is so beautiful right now! there is flowers every where! They are
growing all over the place wildly. That and all of the trees are
regaining their leaves and a lot of them are covered in flowers as well.
And the weather here has been awesome too nice and gently windy and
sunny. It's also fun because all of the spiders are coming out again
and we keep finding these monsters in our apartment and the game to find
them on door steps is starting again. It's really interesting though
when winter hits Michigan how there is no bugs or anything in any way
shape or form at all.
So this week has been
pretty great and we have had alot of miracles. We have gotten 6
referrals this week! I have never really even gotton 2 in a week before.
3 were from Mormon.org, 1 from other missionaries and the rest from
members. We haven't contacted them all yet but we've been trying. The
ones we have contacted 1 wasn't interested and 2 others are super
interested and we have times where we are going to teach them. We got
one at like 2am last night from HQ. So we must be doing something right I
guess =p.
We were really crunching down on
miles at the end of this month, In fact on the last night of the month we
were within .2 miles of going over our allotted amount. And the scary
part was we were just barely in town and There was no way we could get
back to our apartment driving there. We went to a back road and I had my
companion turn off the car and put it in neutral and then I pushed the
car as fast as I could down the road (to try to make it back to the
apartment, it was like 9:10 pm already) until all we had to do was drive
across the main road to our apartment. So hey that one time in Mesa
when we pushed Jacob Cluff's car to Mesa High from our old
house prepared me for a mission! It was a killer work out doing it at
that speed.
You'd think I get burned enough to learn to go and buy some sunscreen.
week we had whats call "the spring fling" down in Mason and it's a
huge carnival in the grass of the courthouse (the one one that's in the
movie real steel) there were booths every where and our ward
missionaries set up a family history booth for us to run.
We had trained
family history consultants with computers to teach people how to use
family search and then they wanted us to get people in to talk to them.
So I was on my feet from 8am to 5 pm handing out fliers and inviting
people to learn about family history and the gospel. I stopped counting
at 84.5 (I count ITL's using my stopwatch) and that happened like a hour
in to the spring fling. there was like a two hour break before my
companion just sat and counted all of the people I was inviting to
learn, he counted around 208. But we ran out of fliers for family search
so quick, so I started handing out pedigree charts and gave out more
than 300.
That was super healthy for the members to see that and
they were really impressed and they joined in in passing out things too.
We had such a good place that there were probably 1000 people who
walked past us and we just dished things out and got people to those
computers. And we didn't get any new investigators or appointments from
it but we did get some for other missionaries. We also had missionary
pamphlets and Book of Mormons on the tables and several people took some
pamphlets and it led to us getting those people to accepting to learn
about the gospel. It was fun, but I was beat after being on my feet
standing in one place that whole time. All I did was stand and let
people come to me, if one turned me down all I did was turn around and
ask some one new.
We went to go teach a less
active member on Wednesday. Oh man that got heated ha ha. We had
recently taught about tithing and WoW and so I asked about how she was
doing on living those commandments. And she flipped a biscuit hard
core! I wanted to leave, I almost stood up and walked out. My companion
was sinking in his chair Eyes all the way open. I was done and was way
ready to go. I then without thinking about it snapped back reached from
my frying pan behind my back put a biscuit on and started flipping.
was different though, I didn't even realize I started talking
but I kept going, I was shaking in my seat like I was shivering. I was
asking questions and then using her words to bear testimony to her super
boldly and telling her why we are here as missionaries. And every time
she would snap back I would "create a need" and then bear testimony,
until it softened her heart enough for us to teach her. We then started
reading D&C 89 (word of wisdom) and I was still shaking in my seat
just thinking "did that just happen?" . She wouldn't out right accept my
commitment to live the Word of Wisdom, she kept beating around the
bush. But as we were leaving she said she would really think about it.
heard from our investigator T finally! well that was on Thursday and
he said I am in the hospital and I am getting surgery today. and that
was the last we heard from him, so I don't think he will make his date
of being baptized this week.
We also put a
investigator on date to be baptized. He got really excited about it and
was like ya I would love to be baptized. we then set a date and as we
were leaving told us to not expect him to read his scriptures every day
and to go to church though..... aaaaaahhhhhhh! It's ok we have like 2
months to work on that. he got in a car accident that day before our
lesson and it was a miracle that he was able to get out of that alive
let alone without a scratch, his wife took a beating though! It was
really sad when she said hi to us.
It was weird last week seeing it go from 82 degrees out to snow in the morning.
Ya cool well I guess I will "see" you soon =p. #skype
May the 4th be with you!
way to be at not getting shot! Keep it up!
love you!
- Elder Truman Rex Crockett
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